Oh, Beautiful Exchange!
From today's Office of Readings:
From the treatise On the Trinity by Saint Hilary, bishop
(Lib. 8, 13-16: PL 10, 246-249)
We believe that the Word became flesh and that we receive his flesh in the Lord’s Supper. How then can we fail to believe that he really dwells within us? When he became man, he actually clothed himself in our flesh, uniting it to himself for ever. In the sacrament of his body he actually gives us his own flesh, which he has united to his divinity. This is why we are all one, because the Father is in Christ, and Christ is in us. He is in us through his flesh and we are in him. With him we form a unity which is in God.
How then can we fail to believe that he really dwells within us? Because we can only see two inches in front of our noses. Because the weight of our sin binds us to anxiety and fear.
I need to be reminded, over and over, that God is for us. Who can be against us? He united himself to my weakness. I need not be afraid of his just punishment if I remember that my weakness is my strength.